The Lovelock City Council met on December 19, 2024, in a special meeting to confirm the appointment of Deborah “Nicole” Reitz to the Lovelock City Clerk position. Councilwoman Jordan McKinney was absent.
Mayor Rodney Wilcox opened the meeting and asked for a motion on the appointment of Reitz as City Clerk. Councilwoman Bonnie Skoglie began making the motion but was interrupted by Councilwoman Hertz.
Hertz stated that she had procedural concerns and does not want the city to appear as if there is any impropriety with the seemingly quick nomination.
Skoglie continued, moving to appoint Reitz as City Clerk, and voted in the affirmative. Hertz voted nay. Wilcox made the tie breaking vote, and the motion passed.
After an onboarding process, Reitz will be sworn in during a January meeting.